Saturday 27 December 2008

Mery Christmas and a Happy New Year

Hi hope everyone had a good xmas got all the pressies they wanted we loved it with the kids it was a good day.
Happy new year to everyone and I will get some pics and new posts on as son as I can work out uploading on my mobile broadband connection without it timing out.
All have a good one and we will see you in 2009

Sunday 9 November 2008

BBQ and Fireworks Night

Hope all enjoyed it last night few good fireworks good company and of course a bbq.
As you can see it was see how many people you can fit in a 6 x 4 shed converted to a bar I think 8 was the last count think it was quite cosy in there but bloody hard to get a drink.
The dogs look like they have decided who's boss Amber stole Jessies bed so jess curled up in the little one.
And of course Ella who is one this week how time flies.

Saturday 25 October 2008

Our Family

A couple of pics we had done on holiday...

Tuesday 21 October 2008

A Good Holiday

Here are a few pics from our hols sspent at the welcome holiday park in Dawlish
What a great week we had the kids loved it.
Me Dan and Darren won 2nd in he fancy dress for our version of little britian.
The kids won second with the wizard of oz and tom and brendon won first with an alien costume they made up themselves.
The glitter tatoo was on my arm which like a wally I scrubbed off and burnt my bloody arm...
We will be going back next year hopefully April and October.

Thursday 9 October 2008

A Well Earned Break

A holiday at last going Saturday 11th to Dawlish Warren Devon for a week as we have no managed a full weeks holiday for the last 18 months we are taking a week off and I for one am bloody well looking forward to it.
So 5 am start saturday 4 hour trip then a weeks r & r on our favorite holiday camp the Welcome at dawlish.
As there is 17 of us going in total its going to be a good one will puts pics and bit on when we return.should be fun have kids and adults fancy dress sorted and several wind ups planned for our mates dad.
So cheers will have a beer or two and enjoy our week.

Sunday 5 October 2008

Ella found the Chocolate Fondue

Ella seems to like chocolate fondue as you can see.

Saturday 27 September 2008

Kite Festival

On sunday we went to margate as they had a kite festival on some of them were huge.
As it was a lovely day we had a wander round then went up on the cliffs and had a picnic.
We did purchase a kite not like these but a small octopuss shaped one which we managed to get flying after lunch.

Thursday 11 September 2008

The Puppy gets a name

After much deliberation it has been decide that Amber will be the puppies name.
And as you can see Jess is getting used to her now.
We have had a busy week this week we are now fostering a cat that is about 12 years old and has had to have an ear amputated due to having cancer.
He is white and fairly friendly he dislikes having to wear a lampshade on his head (mind you I do not blame him)but it has to be there he looks a bit odd with a hole in his head covered by a tiny flap that is left of his ear.

Saturday 30 August 2008

New Addition

We have a new addition to the family she is 7wks old and is a jack russell cross terrier.
As you can see from the pics she is smaller than my cats thats my hand next to her just to give you an idea of her size.
Jess seems to have taken to her ok and the kids love her to bits.
As usual with most of our pets Lou cannot decide on her name as yet so will let you know when she finally decides.

Sunday 24 August 2008

What we have been up to

Sorry for slow posting had a hectic couple of weeks been away to Whitstable for a week for a break a nice week it was to.
Had to clean out the hermit crab tank completely today as sorry to say but we have now lost both of them although they did well survived the fire but have never seemed the same since they would not let you handle them just hid in their shells when you picked them up.
Thomas was a bit upset as lost one two weeks ago and the other yesterday so rip little fellows.
Cracked on with the garden have done some more to the aviaries now need a nice weekend to get the third section finished off need to clear the ground and extend the framework onto the shed which will become Chelsea and Brian's house will then have three sections so I can move them into the spare bit to clean and do any work required and hopefully this will be the aviary that if they successfully breed I can use to house the youngsters so fingers crossed.
I have started a new website about the birds that is a work in progress at present but take a look any comments will be gratefully received.
That's all for now.

Wednesday 30 July 2008

Chessington Day Trip

Monday we all went to Chessington thanks to our clubcard vouchers 12 of us got in and only had to buy one child ticket.
What agreat day it was fiarly busy and apart from queing for twenty minutes for the dragon ride to be told it had broken down most of the rides were only 10 to 15 minutes waiting so not to bad.
The zoo and sealife areas were brilliant and the tigers cubs we running about though it was a bit hot for them.
Will definitly go again the kids enjoyed it we even got Lou Mum Dad and me on the vampire it was excellent had it been earlier in the day we would have qued up again.

Saturday 19 July 2008

New location for BBQ and Bar

Been busy all day moving the bar shed and building a slabbed area for the BBQ so all the bits are up by the patio.
Have bought a new metal gazebo to go permanently on the patio it should arrive Monday hopefully then will have to build it and anchor it down.
Pleased so far now got to sort the rest of the garden out.

Tuesday 15 July 2008

Back to School

I may noy have been at work for a couple weeks now but I have been busy I was lucky enough to be able to go with the boys school to the Kent County Show on Friday.
I went with Matthew's class we only had about four hours up there so really did not get to see a great deal but what we did see was worth it, Last time I went I was at school myself so that must be twenty years ago(scary that) well Ihave stuck a couple of pics on.
On the Saturday I was asked if I could take the owls to the school fete which I gladly did.
Due to Abbot being slightly overweight 3lb 10oz he would not do a flying display so I took him and Chelsea and some of the equipment.
I was truly amazed how many people (kids and adults) that had never seen an owl and some were not even sure what they were.
I find it great to be able to show these birds and explain how they live in the wild.
Chris a friend of ours took some lovely close ups so here are some up to date pics of Abbot and Chelsea.

Friday 4 July 2008

European open Golf

On Thursday we went up to the Europeqn Open First round.
It was a cracking day and well worth going the course was in excellent condition and we saw some brilliant shots.
Got a little bit sunburnt I have a bright red face and my forehead is blistering but I won't complain (to much).
As you can see from the pics it stayed nice all day we found the bar(surprisingly we did not use though) and the BBQ but at £6.50 for a gourmet cheeseburger I was glad we took a picnic.

This is Darren Clarke coming up the 18th which was a good hole to watch as it caught several players out including Montgomerie seen here in the bunker and not happy wit his out shot(still it was better than I could have done)

And here is the two old ones discussing how the holes should have been played
Thanks Del,Alf and Dad for a brilliant day.