Sunday 1 July 2007

A mornings work

Well a normal Sunday morning with these fellas is cleaning day.Normally they have water changed daily and a quick tidy up of the aviaries but Sunday mornings(rain or shine) I strip out the aviaries disinfect the baths rake all the floors and collect any bits of rubbish that should not be there.
All there equipment is sterilised (its washed after every use) to ensure its all safe as the main food is chicks so I take no chances.
the aviaries are also sprayed with a disinfectant solution( the birds are boxed whilst doing so) to minimise any chance of infections.
I always check the birds right over for any signs of damage or injuries that I may not have noticed during the week.
Then weather permitting I go out flying for an hour or so.
That is my Sunday mornings mostly taken up but its well worth it to see them free flying it give me a great sense of satisfaction and pleasure to watch him fly and he really seems to enjoy himself as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds as though your kept busy for a while on sundays cl;iff.
will have to make the effort to come and see your birds.
will try!!!!!