Saturday, 10 November 2007

Hermit crab pics

Sorry there not brilliant but I think my camera is giving up the ghost.

Hermit Crabs

Strange name for a post but its our newest additon to the pet zoo we have made a crabitat and bought a couple of hermit crabs.
They are great little things(about the size of a golf ball) altough about a week after getting them it appears they had a fight and one lost we found it in the morning with all its legs off.
The one left is quite friendly but will need another one or two for company.

Wednesday, 7 November 2007

Still Awaiting Baby

Sorry no posts been trying to sort the house out for our new arrival although now the baby is 6 days late we are getting impatient will get pics on when its born to keep all posted.
Hopefully in the next couple of days Will See ...................................